Q&A (Part Two)
How often do you write music? “My friends have taken to joking along with me that I’m always 3 albums ahead of where I currently am, some...
Q&A (Part One)
How did the album HOSTAGE come about? “The ‘HOSTAGE’ EP’s creation was a complete accident. I never intended to make an EP while I was...
Q&A, and other sorts
Aside from finishing up mixing “Hostage”, I’ve been working on a Q&A regarding the project as a whole - so you can all look forward to...
Slight Delay?
While working diligently on wrapping up the album, a critical hardware failure presented a possible set-back to the originally intended...

It’s Coming...
It’s coming...
Mixing the EP
Instrument tracks are wrapped up for the Hostage EP. Rough mixes are coming together now. I am really looking forward to sharing this...
New Music Coming
I've been busy at work on getting the full-length album out of the oven, but in the meantime I have made a little room for some fun...

Progress & Such
Spring is finally making an appearance around here, and I'm sure feeling the positive effects! The winter here was pretty brutal. I...
Strung Out, Part 2
How a guitar guy goes off the grid with a musical project using no guitars Part Two. The flu hit me just in time to really mess with my...
Strung Out, Part 1
A multi-part story about how a guitar guy goes off the grid with a musical project using no guitars. A luthier by trade and a guitar...